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Get To Know the Edmonton Community with These Three Social Events
Edmonton is normally known for the biggest mall in North America. However, this blog is not about to highlight the vastness of the commercial behemoth. Instead, it is time to seek out the community-based values that truly keeps Edmonton together. Here the highlight is three diverse events that are meant to simply bring people together.
Turkeys on the Trail
For the 4th year in a row, the Annual Turkeys on the Trail walk/run will happen on Saturday, December 15, 2018. In its start in 2015, there were only 100 participants, this year they can expect nearly 300 people to turn out. Who would do such a thing– run in the dead of winter? Why, none other than to raise funds and donate food to help support the Edmonton Food Bank. All this to support the holiday efforts. Options to participate range from 5 km to 25 km. There’s even a 1 km kids race. What’s admission? A frozen turkey! Don’t worry, if you would rather not bring that, there are other options for you to contribute.
20s Singles Mixer
If you are single and in your 20s and feeling like meeting a few other singles your age, then you should check out this event. The 20s Singles Mixer is exactly what it says. Don’t worry, you won’t just be standing there awkwardly, you’ll have something to do: you’ll be bowling! If you are interested then keep your calendar open on Friday, December 21, 2018 from 8 PM to 11 PM. Come the day, head on over to Plaza Bowl Edmonton bowling alley. Tickets are $29.
Tawatinaw Valley Holiday Party
So, maybe you’re not much of a runner, or maybe you’re not even in your 20s and single anymore. Then you’re likely looking for something like the Tawatinaw Valley Holiday Party. On Saturday, December 29th, 2018, you and the family are invited to join in on the final holiday party before the end of the year. Doors open at 5:30 PM, Roast Beef Dinner at 6:30 PM, and dancing to follow after! Tickets for Adults are $30, $15 for kids 12 and under, and toddlers 4 and under come free! Event ends at 11:30 PM.
The classic holiday party is always great to get to know people. Meeting singles close to your age might also be a nice way. But, if donating frozen turkey to the local community isn’t community-building then we don’t know what is. All that aside, the Paradise Inn & Suites in Redwater contributes to community in the ways we can: with free daily breakfasts and complimentary wifi.